Girls leaving inner London Primary Schools have outperformed all other children in every other part of the country.
75% of girls passed reading, writing and maths SATs which means they mastered the three Rs. This is the highest result for any group within England.
The boys also did better in these schools too with 67% passing all three tests. Combined, the results of the boys and girls surpassed all others in the rest of the country and London as a whole continues to excel, with 70% of pupils passing all their tests compared with the national average of 65%.
The Department for Education recently revealed:
- More than 12,000 London children representing 13% reached the higher standard in all three subject areas.
- 26 local authorities within London have no under performing schools – this represents an improvement of 24 on last year.
- Only 8 London schools did not reach the floor standard set by the government.
- 18 London schools were described as “coasting”.
School Standards Minister Nick Gibb said, “Every child, regardless of their background, deserves a high quality education.”
How is your school performing?
Elisa x